Title: Of Snacks and Kisses Pairing: Kyumin Type: Drabble Genre: Fluff Rating: PG Word count: 481 Summary: Sungmin wants a sky-high pile of snacks, and Kyuhyun tries to get him to put some back. // I rhymed asdfghjkl; XD
Title: Our Little Time Capsule Pairing: Kyumin Type: Oneshot Genre: Fluff Rating: PG Word count: 1442 Summary: Sungmin was bent on waking Kyuhyun up early one morning, claiming that he had the best idea.
Title: Origami Rating: G type: drabble-series Pairing: kyumin Warnings: yaoi, unbeta'd Summary: behind that folded paper are his words of unexplainable feelings.
TITLE: These All Hurts (1/8) PAIRING: KYUMIN! GENRE: Romance, Angst LENGTH: Mini-Series WARNING: Yaoi DISCLAIMER: Don't own them. They own each other. SUMMARY: A series of keeping the feelings they have for each other for a reason. A/N: I just re-post it here in LJ. originally from my AFF account.:)) enJOY!:) unbeta